Troy Batterberry
July 16, 2024

Using Invisible Forensic Watermarks to Prevent Insider Information Leaks

Effective teamwork requires sharing information, but unintended data leaks can cause significant harm. EchoMark's invisible forensic watermarks enhance security by preventing and tracing unauthorized data sharing and disclosure.

Access to private and confidential data is essential for teams to work effectively. However, oversharing this information remains a significant concern for organizations, impacting their financial health, reputation, and operations. Protecting sensitive information is a critical part of doing business, yet there has been no single measure that can deter information leaks and prevent shared data from landing in the wrong hands – until now. EchoMark offers a powerful solution through invisible forensic watermarks that can both deter unauthorized sharing and trace information wherever it ends up. Whether it’s a forwarded email, a printed document, or a shared file, you can effectively use EchoMark to safeguard your most sensitive data and communications.

The Critical Importance of Data Security

Disclosing private data, whether malicious or unintentional, can have severe consequences for organizations. The key areas of concern:

  1. Cyber Attacks: At the top of business news, cyber attacks are becoming more frequent and sophisticated, leading to substantial financial losses, regulatory fines, and legal issues.
  2. Insider Threats: Employees, contractors, and other insiders with access to sensitive data can exfiltrate and leak private and proprietary information, either intentionally or accidentally. These threats are particularly challenging to pinpoint the source and remediate the damage because it originates from trusted individuals within the organization.
  3. Regulatory Compliance: Regulations like GDPR, CCPA, and HIPAA impose strict data protection requirements. Non-compliance can lead to hefty fines and legal consequences, making it essential for organizations to protect their data.
  4. Financial Impact: Breaches of trust through exposed information can cause direct financial losses from monetary theft, intellectual property theft, and remediation costs. Indirectly, they can also result in loss of new business opportunities, increase of customer attrition, and decreased stock value.
  5. Reputation Damage: A data leak can severely damage an organization's reputation, leading to a loss of trust among customers, partners, and internal stakeholders. Rebuilding a damaged reputation can take years and substantial resources.
  6. Operational Disruption: Information is a highly valued asset. Mismanaged information will disrupt business operations, causing downtime, loss of productivity, and diversion of resources to find and address the leak. This disruption can have long-term effects on the organization's efficiency and competitiveness.

Just EchoMark It: Where forensic watermarking fits in your organization

EchoMark’s secure viewer and text watermarking provide a strategic approach to data security through dynamically unique invisible watermarks through the use of steganography. This technology not only deters unauthorized sharing but also allows you to trace information wherever it ends up, ensuring comprehensive protection for your sensitive data. 

There is one major question we get asked, that requires consideration: “Should we inform our employees about enabling EchoMark?” Our answer is, it depends.

  • Proactive Protection:  If there are no active leaks, inform employees about the use of personalized forensic watermarks to deter potential leaks and promote better stewardship of information. The known presence of watermarks reduces the chances of information ending up somewhere outside of your control.
  • Reactive Measures: Use forensic watermarks confidentially during active leaks to identify and stop the source, maximizing the chances of finding the culprit. This strategy, often referred to as a 'Canary Trap,' has a high rate of success because people believe they won't get caught. Confidential watermarks change this belief, increasing the likelihood of pinpointing the saboteur.

Real-World Effectiveness

Where’s the proof of a deterrent like forensic watermarking working?

Decades ago, in the early 2000s, major movie studios faced significant financial damage due to pre-release leaks. By deploying audio and video watermarks, they effectively discouraged insiders from sharing copies. This approach reduced the occurrence of leaks (and piracy), saving the studios millions of dollars in potential losses. Similarly, today’s game developers continue to use these techniques to protect their creations.

EchoMark provides a strategic approach to prevent and address data leaks through the use of steganography in personalized invisible watermarks. Whether dealing with active leaks or preventing potential ones, organizations can significantly enhance their data security. With simple security enhancements, protecting your data not only safeguards your organization against financial and reputational damage but also maintains operational integrity.

Take the Next Step to Secure Your Data

Discover how EchoMark Email Protect and EchoMark SecureView can transform your communication and information security strategy.

Try it for Free: Experience the power of invisible forensic watermarks with a free trial.

Book a Demo: Schedule a personalized demo to see how EchoMark can meet your organization's unique needs.

Don't wait for a leak to happen. Secure your sensitive information today. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.