Tatianna Harris
September 30, 2024

Preventing Data Leaks: How to Detect and Mitigate Insider Threats

Insider threats pose a significant risk to organizations, as employees, contractors, or partners with legitimate access can unintentionally or maliciously leak sensitive data. With the rise of remote work and the complexity of modern IT environments, safeguarding against these threats has become increasingly challenging. Traditional security measures often fall short in detecting insider activities, especially when they mimic normal behavior. A multi-layered security approach—incorporating tools like Privileged Access Management (PAM), Zero Trust models, Data Loss Prevention (DLP), and User Behavior Analytics (UBA)—is essential. EchoMark offers proactive solutions, combining detection with steganography-based watermarking, helping businesses prevent data exfiltration and protect valuable assets.

Safeguarding sensitive information has become a critical need, now more than ever. While external cyber threats often garner the most attention in news headlines, insider threats pose an equally, if not more, significant risk to organizations. Employees, contractors, or business partners with legitimate access can intentionally or unintentionally cause data exfiltration and information leaks, leading to substantial financial and reputational damage.

The Challenges in Securing Against Data Exfiltration and Information Leaks

Organizations face numerous challenges when it comes to protecting their data from being improperly accessed, or worse: shared beyond their intended audience. The complexity of modern IT environments, coupled with the increasing amount of data continually generated and stored, makes it difficult to monitor and secure every known and potential access point. Traditional security measures often fall short in detecting sophisticated insider activities, especially when malicious actions mimic regular user behavior.

Moreover, the swift rise of remote work during the pandemic, expanded the attack surface, making employee monitoring more challenging. If monitoring someone’s personal network, devices, and other aspects used to work from home is done for the sake of security, where is the line on personal privacy drawn? Organizations struggle to balance privacy concerns with the need for effective insider threat detection mechanisms. Without the right tools and strategies, identifying anomalous activities that could indicate a potential threat becomes a daunting task.

Insider Threats are a Critical Issue for Businesses

Insider threats are a growing concern for businesses across all sectors. According to a 2020 report by the Ponemon Institute, insider threats increased by 47% over the previous two years, with the average cost per incident reaching $11.45 million (covering the detection and investigation of incidents).

Recent news highlights the severity of this issue: Insider Threats Exposed: Overview of Q1 2024 Data Leaks and Breaches

Preparing Against Insider Threats

To effectively combat insider threats, organizations should adopt a multi-layered security approach, allowing for coverage of multiple internal attack vectors. From data access management to training, the below options are just a few ways to proactively protect company assets.

  1. Privileged Access Management (PAM): Implementing PAM solutions helps control and monitor access to critical systems and data. By ensuring that only authorized personnel have access to highly sensitive information, organizations can reduce the risk of unauthorized data exposure.
  2. Zero Trust Security Model: Adopting a zero trust approach means that no user or device is inherently trusted. Continuous verification of user identity and access permissions helps in preventing unauthorized activities within the network.
  3. Data Loss Prevention (DLP): Implementing DLP solutions helps detect, monitor, and protect sensitive data from unauthorized access or accidental sharing. By identifying and controlling data at rest, in motion, or in use, organizations can mitigate the risk of insider threats and prevent data breaches.
  4. Digital Rights Management (DRM): DRM technologies control and restrict access to digital content, ensuring only authorized users can view or modify sensitive information. By managing permissions and usage rights, organizations can safeguard intellectual property and limit the impact of potential insider threats.
  5. Security Awareness Training: Regular security awareness programs educate employees about the importance of data security, phishing scams, and the role they play in protecting company assets.
  6. Comprehensive Employee Monitoring: Effective employee monitoring systems enable organizations to keep an eye on user activities without infringing on privacy rights. Monitoring helps in early detection of suspicious behaviors that could lead to data leaks.
  7. User Behavior Analytics (UBA): Leveraging user behavior analytics allows organizations to detect anomalies in user activities that could indicate insider threats. By establishing a baseline of normal behavior, UBA tools can flag unusual actions for further investigation. User and Entity Behavior Analytics (UEBA) goes a step further, tracking machines or network entities to provide a broader view.

The Limitations of End-User Training and Access Management Alone

While end-user training and access management are essential components of a security strategy, relying on them exclusively is insufficient. Human error remains a significant vulnerability; even well-trained employees can make mistakes that lead to security breaches. Access management controls can be bypassed or improperly configured, providing loopholes for malicious insiders.

Insider threats often involve users who already have legitimate access to sensitive information. Therefore, solely focusing on who has access without monitoring how that access is used can leave organizations vulnerable. A more proactive and comprehensive approach is necessary to address the nuanced nature of insider threats.

EchoMark's Proactive Approach to Information Security

EchoMark understands the complexities of insider threats and offers solutions designed to protect organizations proactively. By integrating advanced insider leak detection mechanisms with robust steganography based watermarking technology, EchoMark provides a comprehensive solution to protect information, and detect and prevent insider leaks.

Our solutions incorporate user analytics to monitor activity that may indicate malicious intent; through unauthorized sharing of information. Combined with zero trust security, we ensure continuous verification and authentication, minimizing the risk of unauthorized access of shared documents via SecureView. With EchoMark, companies can move beyond reactive measures and adopt a proactive stance against insider threats, significantly reducing the risk of data exfiltration and information leaks.

Insider threats present a complex challenge that requires a multifaceted solution. By understanding the limitations of traditional security measures and embracing advanced technologies like those offered by EchoMark, organizations can enhance their defenses against internal risks. Protecting sensitive information is not just about preventing external attacks but about ensuring that trusted insiders remain good stewards of the information they’re entrusted with.

Investing in comprehensive security solutions and fostering a culture of security awareness are critical steps in safeguarding your organization's most valuable assets. EchoMark is committed to helping businesses navigate these challenges and build a resilient security posture against insider threats.